Some good stuff here. I'm going to have to think about Shouts a bit more...
Is the Dragonborn a "Christ"? Or is he Imago Dei? If Imago Dei, then his ability to leverage that power within to shout (forcefully speak) his will into existence (in a more limited way to the Dragons/gods themselves) might serve as a lessor mirror to the creative Word of Logos.
The Dovahkiin is "Dragon-Child", but it is Martin Septim who becomes the avatar of Akatosh. Taking the form of the chief Creator God, by his sacrificial act, and sealng the Gate of Oblivion. There is a sense in which what Martin is by nature, the Dragonborn is by Grace. When Akatosh speaks, "The Beginning Place" is birthed into being, and the Aedra participate in the unfolding of Nirn itself.
Some good stuff here. I'm going to have to think about Shouts a bit more...
Is the Dragonborn a "Christ"? Or is he Imago Dei? If Imago Dei, then his ability to leverage that power within to shout (forcefully speak) his will into existence (in a more limited way to the Dragons/gods themselves) might serve as a lessor mirror to the creative Word of Logos.
The Dovahkiin is "Dragon-Child", but it is Martin Septim who becomes the avatar of Akatosh. Taking the form of the chief Creator God, by his sacrificial act, and sealng the Gate of Oblivion. There is a sense in which what Martin is by nature, the Dragonborn is by Grace. When Akatosh speaks, "The Beginning Place" is birthed into being, and the Aedra participate in the unfolding of Nirn itself.